Sáenz, Manuela, 1797?-1856.

Manuela. Manuela Sáenz - [Ecuador? : s.n., 1995?] - 164, 55 p. : color. ilustraciones ,fotogafias,laminas. ; 21 cm.

No collective title page; texts are published back-to-back, inverted and separately paged.

Sus diarios perdidos y otros papeles -- Biografía, entrevista imaginaria / Carlos Alvarez Saá, Rodrigo Villacís Molina.

"Curious volume reproduces so-called 'lost' Quito, Paita, and Bucaramanga diaries of Manuela Sáenz (which may or may not be authentic) together with a selection of her letters. Also contains a brief biography by Carlos Alvarez Saá and an imaginary interview with her conducted by Rodrigo Villacís Molina"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58. http://www.loc.gov/hlas/



Sáenz, Manuela, 1797?-1856 --Diaries.
Sáenz, Manuela, 1797?-1856 --Correspondence.
Bolívar, Simón, 1783-1830 --Correspondence.



/ 1995

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